Astronaut on Planet
Astronaut on Planet

Create your script

type your title, define a topic, and choose your scenario

Astronaut on Planet
Astronaut on Planet

Illustrate your storyboard

Generate your image with AI or drag-and-drop from your own files

Astronaut on Planet
Astronaut on Planet

Customize your video

Select your voice-over, your music and generate subtitles in your language

Astronaut on Planet

short maker

Create engaging vertical videos

in minutes

short maker

Create engaging vertical videos

in minutes

Astronaut on Planet

Produce custom short videos

Produce custom short videos

Social content creators choose Short Maker to produce short videos faster and share them on YouTube, Tiktok & Instagram Reels

Create the stories you dream

Astronaut on Planet

Customize your video

Select your voice-over, your music and generate subtitles in your language

Illustrate your storyboard

Generate your image with AI or drag-and-drop from your own files


type your title, define a topic, and choose your scenario using AI as a co-scenarist

Augmenting ideation and creation with
state-of-the-art Generative AI workfows

Car in front of Tower
Car in front of Tower


© Short Maker

© Short Maker